Sunday, December 11, 2005

my best friend susan

There are very few people I really trust in this life after my parents left me. Susan is one of them. The other one is Christine but both of them are living oceans away. Susan, in chicago and Christine in Sydeny.

We were all classmate in high school (Maryknoll or now known as Miriam). Together with Babs, we formed the 'barkada' known as Tafi - tolentino, almeda, flores, imperial.

A few weeks ago, I had to go to the flat of susan's parents to get something she sent via courier. When I reached home I emailed her that her saying her dad looks bad and I think she should see him soon. She planned to fly to Manila around end January since she needed to be in spain at this time.

I got surprised when I get an email last weekend saying she is flying here sunday arriving tuesday since her dad's heart stopped twice. I met Susan at the New World Hotel last night. We discussed the wellness businesses we had been planning for two years now. At the same time she was relating to me how she over ruled most of her dad's doctor's medication. She is an ICU doctor and is tasked to keep the patient alive despite the critical condition.

I was misty eyed when she was relating how she continues to save her dad's life by making sure the doctors do what must be done. I told her that I know that if only the doctors here did their duty and not very materialistic, then my mom and dad would still be alive.

I have forgiven them but I do pity them for I know somehow they will pay for their negligence.

I told Susan that maybe thats the reason both of us are keen on the wellness business. She has been a victim of a negligent doctor, who operated on her wrongly and my parents passed away due to the negligence of medical people who were supposed to save lives.

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