Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas day (night?)

We woke up very late on christmas day since we we were up till almost morning. Good thing I was able to order the spray of flowers and the loose ones for the vases the night before. I asked bert to get it first thing in the morning for the flower shop was opened only till noon just to serve the orders.

Off to Heritage we went late afternoon. Aling Miguela was asking if I was able to get a priest to say mass. I really planned that for that was dad's custom in the past. I just had so much difficulty getting one during the last holiday (All Saints Day) so I just thought we will just pray for both of them then have masses said later.

We stayed on for an hour or so since it got very dark. The lamps on the middle walk were not lighted at all and I didnt bring a lamp like the last time.

Had I woken up early I was thinking of going to La Loma to visit my grandparents grave but Beverly forgot the spare keys at home. We proceeded to Makati since I thought Rustan would be open but it was closed so off we went home. Rowena said they will take dinner at bf so asked Stella to prepare food. Rowena with her children stayed on till around midnight.

i was very much awake till around 3am or so but when I was in the early stages of dreamland, my phone rings and it was Susan! We talked lenghthily about our business plans so after the call I was not able to sleep for hours once more and just watched tv, scanned photos to update my travel blog and had some 'after midnight' snack :)

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